Jaime Loves Stuff : March 2011

CLOSED: Michelle Moran, author of Madam Tussaud, Guest Blog and Giveaway!



When most people hear the name Madame Tussaud, the first thing that comes to mind are the eerily lifelike waxworks which crowd her museums throughout the world. But who was the woman behind the name, and what was she like in the flesh?

Madame Tussaud’s story actually began in 18th century Paris. While most people know her from her famous museum in London, it was in France, on the humble Boulevard du Temple, where Marie first got her start as an apprentice in her uncle’s wax museum, the Salon de Cire. At the time, the Boulevard du Temple was crowded with exhibits of every kind. For just a few sous a passerby might attend the opera, watch a puppet show, or visit Henri Charles’ mystifying exhibition The Invisible Girl. The Boulevard was a difficult place to distinguish yourself as an artist, but as Marie’s talent grew for both sculpting and public relations, the Salon de Cire became one of the most popular attractions around. Suddenly, no one could compete with Marie or her uncle for ingenious publicity stunts, and when the royal family supposedly visited their museum, this only solidified what most showmen in Paris already knew — the Salon was an exhibition to watch out for.

But as the Salon’s popularity grew, so did the unusual requests. Noblemen came asking for wax sculptures of their mistresses, women wanted models of their newborn infants, and – most importantly – the king’s sister herself wanted Marie to come to Versailles to be her wax tutor. While this was, in many ways, a dream come true for Marie, it was also a dangerous time to be associated with the royal family. Men like Robespierre, Marat, and Desmoulins were meeting at Marie’s house to discuss the future of the monarchy, and when the Revolution began, Marie found herself in a precarious position. Ultimately, she was given a choice by France’s new leaders: to preserve the famous victims of Madame Guillotine in wax, or be guillotined herself.

Madame Tussaud: A Novel of the French Revolution is the story of Marie’s life during one of the most tumultuous times in human history. Her survival was nothing less than astonishing, and how she survived makes for what I hope is a compelling read.


Visit MichelleMoran.com
Check out Michelle's blog at michellemoran.blogspot.com

Yay!!! I am so excited Michelle has taken time out of her busy schedule to provide a guest blog and she is also beyond generous and is offering one of you lucky readers not only a SIGNED copy of her newest book, Madame Tussaud, she is also going to send the winner a pair of these absolutely adorable Marie Antoinette Cupcake Earrings! How beyond adorable are they?

The coolest part is this giveaway is open internationally!!!

To enter:
Answer this question (with your email address, of course!):
Which Celebrity/Famous person would you like to see a wax figure of?

Giveaway ends April 3rd. Winner will be picked via random.org and winner will be emailed.


Le Sigh...

My daughter has special needs. A lot of them. She is brain damaged. Her right frontal and right parietal lobes were almost completely removed when she had her surgery, her entire right hemisphere is damaged and quite a bit of the left hemisphere is too. She has impulse control issues. She can go from being sweet and telling you how beautiful you are one second and in a flash start screaming in anger, without provocation. She is 7, almost 8. She is not potty trained. She only started walking two years ago, so she can't master the stairs up or down without full assistance. She can't walk on the grass, gravel, sand, well, really anything that isn't level. You have to be near by just in case she starts to lose her balance and falls and you have to be ready to catch her... because she can't break her own fall. She can't go from standing to sitting down on the ground. She has mastered those skills yet. She still has a lot of problems communicating, especially when she's upset. She is working really really hard on it. This is why programs where people are specially trained to deal with these kind of behaviors is essential, no... vital to my daughter and myself.


See, it took a while to get the Department of Developmental Disabilities to approve an after school Day Treatment and Training program where Emma could attend after school and be around children like her and staff who are trained to handle her. I found a program I adored and it's in Emma's school district and I have been sooo happy! Emma calls it her "Happy School Program". Well, I received bad news. The "Happy School Program" is closing the doors of the location she attends due to not even being able to break even (not enough students attending) and moving the program to their main office. The problem? The main office is out of her school district. School district has vehemently stated the absolutely will not transport her or the other children to the program. They don't have to. I agree. I understand. The problem boils down to... there ISN'T another program in the school district. There are a few just outside the school district but they aren't worth the risks to send her too. I have been told send her to day care. Sure. I would love to. Do you know what it's like to talk to a day care about accepting your child with MULTIPLE special needs? The stutter. They attempt to find their way OUT of accepting your child by charging ridiculous amounts of money that I can NOT afford. Also, would you send your child somewhere that you have to FIGHT to accept your child? They don't want to change a 7 year old's pull up. They won't be able to handle her outbursts. Statistically speaking, our child are at a higher risk for abuse in these settings by other children and teacher. My daughter was abused once. It will NEVER happen to her EVER again. I do everything in my power to protect her. I will never allow another person to harm her again. She suffers every single day as it is, I will not allow her to be mentally, emotionally, physically or sexually abused by anyone.

Now this boils to down to an issue with work. I have clue what I am going to do until I find another place. Emma's therapy center is opening up a program but not until Fall. I am going to talk to my boss about cutting my hours so that I can mostly work within Emma's school hours. If my boss doesn't agree, I will have to give notice. There are plenty of postings for part time positions. We shall see...

Once again... Le Sigh...

Well how about a good laugh to end this?


Giveaway: Yoplait Two Week Tuneup!

This year, Yoplait Light is giving women a great new way to get ready for special occasions with the launch of the new Two Week Tune Up plan.

Whether it’s for a class reunion, a birthday, or your best friend’s wedding, Yoplait Light’s Two Week Tune Up could help you lose five pounds in two weeks by:

* Replacing your breakfast and lunch with a Yoplait Light yogurt, a whole grain,
and a fruit

* Eating a diet rich in lean protein and non-fat dairy, including a sensible dinner, beverages, and snacks

* Walking 30-40 minutes daily

Please visit Yoplait.com for study and full diet details.

By visiting www.Yoplait.com, consumers can find the full plan details as well as robust online tools to help them lose weight and boost their confidence over two weeks.

To help women look and feel their best, Yoplait Light has provided tips and advice available on Yoplait.com, along with valuable online weight loss tools such as a meal planner, healthy recipes and a daily food and exercise tracker. With 33 delicious flavors of Yoplait Light to choose from, you can switch up your diet menu as often as you like.

Every New Year's most people make some kind of resolution, whether it be to lose weight, get healthy, be more positive, whatever... then comes February and the steam has run out and fell right off the old horse. I do. I did. And have fallen! LOL. I am trying to lose weight, I am at my heaviest. I am also at my unhealthiest. I love Yogurt so I was really really glad to join in on this campaign with Yoplait through Myblogspark. I have been enjoying all the various flavors of Yoplait. I have a horrible sweet tooth so being able to enjoy the sweets without being devastating is wonderful! LOL.

I have been trying very hard, eating Yoplait Light, walking and such. I am getting there. No, I haven't lost a lot of weight but little by little I am losing. I would like to get down to a size 6 and I began at a size 12 and am currently a size 10. Slow and steady is healthy, crash and fad diets are not.

Would you like to win this prize pack from Yoplait via Myblogspark?

I knew you would! Ha!
One of my lucky readers will receive: Included in the prize pack is a coupon for a Yoplait Light Yogurt cup, gym bag, a reflective wrist wallet and a pedometer to keep you moving and motivated.

*This coupon offer for Yoplait Light yogurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee.

Please take a moment and follow Yoplait on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/Yoplait and Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/yoplaityogurt. If you do tweet about the Two Week Tune Up, please use the Hashtag #YoplaitLightTWTU

NOW for the contest:

I like to do a simple entry, to enter simply answer this question (and please make sure you include your email address or I can't notify you if you won):

What was your New Year's Resolution or Goal and how is it coming along so far?

If you want to earn extra entries, Tweet this giveaway @Historyslover with the #YoplaitLightTWTU hashtag!
Another entry: Follow my facebook fanpage and let me know you stopped by (Click on Icon to the right to Facebook!)

Giveaway ends April 1st at Midnight, Winner will be notified via email and chosen by Random.org

disclaimer: Free product, information and prize pack were provided by Yoplait through Myblogspark.

Review: Salsa Sensations


There's nothing like fresh, warm chips and a bowl of salsa to make your stomach happy. Ok, well it makes MY stomach happy! Salsa Sensations is a new product that just hit the shelves in September and is available exclusively in Walmart. The salsa is available in the 48 contiguous states and is bound to be in a Walmart near you! Made with sun ripened tomatoes, chopped onions, garlic, cilantro and jalapeno (or if you like FIRE, habaneros are in the hot salsa!). Available in three heat levels: mild, medium and hot, with only 10 calories per 2 tablespoon serving, is also a fat free and cholesterol free food, and because it's fresh, it's only in the refrigerated aisle in the dairy case.

I was given the opportunity to sample some of this wonderful salsa! Let me tell you, yes! It's WONDERFUL! I tried ALL three flavors but I have to say medium was my favorite. The best part of all of these salsa is how seriously FRESH they taste! Oh my goodness, the freshness just screams at you. Doesn't matter which flavor you try, it tastes like you are sitting in your favorite Mexican food restaurant with a bowl of salsa and chips in front of you. Only thing I had to do, and I do this with MOST salsas- restaurant or not, I throw a few dashes of salt. That's just me, though.

Look how BEAUTIFUL the salsa looks (this is a close up of the medium):
Medium is best with just a good old bag of chips all by them self. Scoop and chomp!

This my dear friends is Mild. She's a mild mannered kind of girl and is best served in recipes or with children or those with weak constitutions... I preferred to make Crockpot Black Bean Cream Cheese Chicken (in the crock throw some chicken, a can of black beans, a can of corn-if you wish and a container of your favorite salsa, cook low for 8 hours and 30 minutes prior to being ready turn to high and throw in a block of cream cheese and serve!). I didn't take photos because well, it's an ugly recipe but look at Mild on a chip!

Now about hot, you ask? Hot is on FIRE! Now this is some wonderful HOT flavored sauce. I didn't think it was tooooo spicy but then I handle spicy food just fine! It will definitely burn your tongue and feel the fire in the pits of your stomach! LOL. I like this one on tacos!

So grab some chips and get some Salsa Sensations! Ole!


Check out some more great Salsa Sensations pages:
Salsa Sensations on Youtube
Salsa Sensations on Facebook
Salsa Sensations on Twitter
Salsa Sensations Blog
Campaign hashtag #salsacraving

I was compensated for publishing this Promotional Blog Post. I received this opportunity through my membership with Mom Spark Media My thoughts are mine and mine allow and the compensation didn't effect my ability to be honest.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fans???

Until Midnight tonight, go to Amazon.com and score the COMPLETE SERIES for $69.99!!! That's INSANE and an amazing deal!

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