Holy crapthrowingmonkeys! Where has time gone???
My baby is officially a FIFTH grader!
It doesn't seem that long ago, I was putting her on a bus in a wheelchair and NOW she's heading into fifth grade! Waaaaaaahhh!!!
She's made some good milestones this year and met a therapy goal or two! Yay Em!
Almost completely potty trained! She stays dry most of the day!
Helping to dress/undress herself!
Writing her name.
Walking on uneven surfaces UNASSISTED!
She's very proud of herself!
I found a summer caregiver buuutttt... she seems VERY nice but I am afraid she'll be overwhelmed by Emma's mood swings and might take her outbursts personally. I hope it works out! *crosses fingers*
Now... my sister and I have an idea. Sister Salvage: From Trashy to Classy. (Don't steal it!!! Ha.)
We want to buy up trashy/ugly furniture and fix it up to classy. We're also trashy to classy ourselves. Ha ha!
We're excited
That's right, y'all. It's about to get real fancy up in here!
I've started a few fitness goals! I really, really want to participate in the PF Chang's Rock N Roll Marathon in 2014. Won't do the full but at least the half, right? Well, I've started sloooowly. That way I won't quit too soon! Ease into this because I'm going to do this! So, I've been doing a squats challenge (I'll post the images I found with the details) and it's literally been kicking my BUTT! and I'll be adding an abs and leg challenge, too. During my first AM break, I started walking and that walking has sped up to power walking which has sped up to a job. It feels GREAT! The summer heat is coming here in Phoenix so AM is the only time to get out there and do it SAFELY. I need to take a photo of myself ASAP and then keep taking them to monitor my progress. Cool part is my size 12 jeans are very, very loose! Whoo hoo!
Just because this makes me laugh: