Jaime Loves Stuff : November 2013

Belated Happy Thanksgiving

Happy belated Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are in a pseudo food coma today!

We had a great one yesterday.  My brothers hosted at their apartment yesterday and we had fun.  My brother, Chris, is the turkey genius.  He likes to debone the turkey first and then bake it.  It's always wonderfully juicy and flavorful.  He also makes a homemade cranberry sauce and gravy.  It's soooo delicious.

My sister made the green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and ambrosia salad.  My other brother was the pie man and he also made a green bean casserole.  I ended up making a HUGE pan of stuffing, a huge pan of sweet potatoes and my delicious bacon brussel sprouts.  And OMG.  The sprouts were to die for! To DIE FOR.  LOL.

Bacon and Brussel Sprouts

My brussel sprouts are super easy to make!

  • Three pounds of brussel sprouts.
  • One pound of bacon.
Trim the brussel sprouts (take off that nasty hard stem), cut in half and peel off any loose leaves.  Wash and set aside.
Dice the bacon and fry it in a large skillet.
When the bacon is cooked fully and to your liking (I like mine between too chewy and too crispy.)
Remove the bacon (but leave the grease!) in a bowl and set aside.
Put the brussel sprouts in the large skillet, lower the heat and put the lid on.  
I like the sprouts to be a browned and to the point that when you stir them, they start to fall apart because they are so nice and soft. 
When done, add the bacon and sautee for a few stirs.
All done! 

I don't add any other seasonings because the bacon does it all for you.  You can always salt, pepper, use balsamic vinegar, etc.  You can church it up however you want.  I love it how it is.  

Of course, my turkey butt was soooo happy.  She was so excited!

We ended our day watching Star Wars.  Ha Ha.

How was your Thanksgiving? What was your favorite dish? What do you all do after pigging out eating?

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Murder, She Wrote Conspiracy

Did I tell you all that I am a huge fan of "Murder, She Wrote"?  Well.  I am.  I grew up watching JB Fletcher do her thang (I'm still convinced she was a black widow.  Everybody around her dies!) in Cabot Cove.  Her insight, her class, her mad detective skills outdoing the bumbling sherrif.  She was awesome! My mom and I would watch Murder, She Wrote every week!

Imagine my enjoyment that the entire series was on Netflix.

Imagine my disappointment when it suddenly disappeared.

Oh no.  It gets worse.  Yes, indeed. It can't be, you say? How much can it get?

Much worse, I assure you. 

See, I am a frugal girl.  I decided that I would buy the series, they're cheap, right? 

Well.  Well.  Well.  Who KNEW that so many others love JB and Cabot Cove?!  There's an upheaval on the internet over it getting yanked from Netflix.  It's going doooowwwwwnnnn.... Seriously, read the AVS forums, these people are ready to kick ass but don't even get the Jezebels started on this travesty.  Yes, folks, the internet is angry.  I am, too.  So, back to my point- not too long ago, Target had the dual packs of the series for $15.  Two seasons for $15! Sweet.  Well, folks, they're gone.  Not only that, the price has gone up!

Whyyyyy? What did I ever do to deserve this? Was it because I flipped off the jerk on the freeway who was driving slow because she was on her cell? Was it because I honked at the Prius driving 40 mph on the freeway in the FAST LANE? Was it because I was rude with an incompetent off-shored rep at an insurance company who couldn't read my appeal letter?


I will continue to stalk all my haunts (Ebay, Amazon, used book stores, etc.) for the seasons.  I refuse to pay more than $10 a season.  

I won't say no if somebody wants to gift me the series. 

Until then...

Walmart Family Mobile Unlimited Plans for Christmas

#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop

I don't know about you but I get stressed out over Christmas presents.  I like to find something that is a fun gift but useful but the whole socks and underwear thing is for the birds.  Ha ha.  I have certain family members that are very, very hard to buy for.  It's not that they are picky but it's hard to know what they like! They also don't like to tell you what they want and will just say "I don't need anything".  Um.  I don't care.  I want to know what you WANT.  I can buy you underwear but I am not your momma....  I do the socks and underwear for my kid.  I have to say, though, a cell phone makes a great gift for ANY age.  Our economy is on the mend- slowly but it's mending.  It's not perfect but it's getting there.  However, we still have unemployed people who have run out of benefits or had to make cuts.  Having a phone is essential when job searching and having a cheap wireless plan is just as essential.  People like to say having a mobile is frivolous, I don't agree.  In a time where competition is fierce for an entry level job, being able to be reached by a potential employer can be the difference between whether or not you get the job.  They will keep calling through that stack of resumes.  
#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop
Concord Smart Phone

Walmart Family Mobile offers unlimited plans as an affordable option and can make a great gift for somebody this Christmas.  The scenario I mentioned above about needing a cell phone for job searching? Yeah, that's why I am getting a family member of mine a Concord Smartphone for Christmas.  I was shocked at the fact that I could walk out of Walmart with a good smart phone for around $50, plus a $25 start kit (includes the sim card) with very little issue.  It was very easy and the process is very "do it yourself".  Grab the phone you want, grab the kit and pay for it.  Then you go home and activate and pay for the service. 

#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop
#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop
#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop

Speaking of the service, the rates are very, very, very reasonable.  The unlimited talk, text and web is $39.88.  It's such a good savings not only for me, as the gift giver, but for my family member who can actually be able to AFFORD it.  There is NO contract.  No credit check.  Also, nationwide coverage (all on the T-Mobile network). Online account management is also available. I am floored at how inexpensive this is.  Get a phone, activation and service for less than a month's service with most contract phone carriers. Let's also add what a GREAT gift this makes.  It's practical and who doesn't want a smart phone? Not only would this be great for a family member who has been trying to find a job after the recession, grandparents, parents and a teenager's first cell phone! I think what makes it a great gift is that there this is such an inexpensive gift that they can maintain the service themselves! 

I am super excited for Christmas day!  No lies! 

 I have to say that I was pleased with the entire shopping experience.  I live in a large city (Phoenix) and I have Walmart stores all over.  Not only do I live in a large city, but I am in the heart of Phoenix.  Phoenix is an interesting city- you can have a ghetto on one block, a nice middle class neighborhood the next and then multi-million dollar homes on the next block.  It's quite a mix!  So, I did go to the Walmart closest to my home.   I actually have a funny story.   I walked in.  I was hungry and went to the McDonald's (don't judge!) and I dug around in my purse and couldn't find my debit card.  My heart DROPPED.  I am lucky because my bank (a local credit union) has a branch inside this particular location and I ran over and just requested a replacement debit card.  The teller was new at this and had to call support, well, while I am waiting I put my hand on my rear (for some weird reason) and felt my debit card in my back pocket.  Well.... crud.  Ha ha.  Um, I didn't say anything.  I just had the new one printed and did the walk of shame.  Pfffftttt, I'd rather be safe than sorry!

This close to Thanksgiving and Black Friday and you can totally tell the store is crazy busy and trying to keep up with the holiday season.  The electronics department was very well staffed and I found them to be knowledgeable on the Walmart Family Mobile Plans and the activation process.  The young man who helped me was very nice.  I couldn't locate the starter kit (they were out on the floor) and he was quick to get me one and explain to me how to install the SIM card and how to activate the phone.  Although the department was slammed (I do mean SLAMMED), he was very helpful.   

Be sure to follow my Google Plus Album to keep track of more photos from this great #shop!
#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop
No Start Kit :(

#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop
Great selection and super clean store!

#FamilyMobileSaves #Cbias #Shop

Monday Music: Ladies of Dance

I really need to create a graphic for this Monday posting and maybe even doing a link up.  What do you think? Would any of you want to be a part of Monday Music and share your favorite music of the week? Let me know! If you do, I will totally start a link up.

This post will be short and sweet.  This week, it's all about the ladies of dance but semi recent jams.  These are songs I am LOVING this week and I am like this when I am hearing them.

I am loving, loving R Kelly and Lady Gaga's collaboration:

I am so obsessed with this video:

Brittany's back, b*tch...

Me, too, J Lo, me, too.

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly link up hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Last week I didn't link up until Wednesday and I said I was on a mystery kick and needed to get it a bit out of my system.  I still am on that same kick except... I am on a "start a bunch of books, not sure which I will read" kind of kick.  I didn't finish any!  I did, however, start a few books.

I started the following books:

I absolutely adore the Bewitching Mysteries.  For some reason, I stopped reading the series at book four (although I had the next two) and now I am picking it back up at book five! 

I actually watched the movie with Kathryn Heigl (I actually didn't hate it! Her Jersey accent was off but... I didn't hate her as Stephanie Plum) and decided, I'll now read the series.  As we all know, the book is ALWAYS better than the movie!

I don't know if I have confessed this or not but I am obsessed with Tom Selleck (shorty shorts and the epic stache of Magnum!).  He just oozes masculinity.  I am in love with the Jesse Stone movies. I've seen them all and although Tom Selleck has said he's put in his own money into making the movies, they aren't making anymore.  I remember reading that he was also game to keep them going.  They really should.  They are so good.  Anyways, I've never read any of the Jesse Stone books and have decided to finally start! 

So, with that being said- not sure which one I will focus on but I am betting I will get at least two of these read this week.  

That's that! 

What are YOU reading!? 

Favorite Cancelled Television Shows

I tend to love a good one hit wonder when it comes to music.  I also tend to love a good one hit wonder television series.  Okay, maybe they last more than one season but no more than two.  Not only do I tend to fall head over heels in love with them, I become obsessed and want to know WHYYYYYYYYY there aren't anymore! How could they?! Ya know, all that drama and nonsense.


Starring Luke Perry and Malcolm Jamal-Warner.  This gem lasted two seasons but those two seasons were absolutely amazing.  A post apocalyptic setting where everybody over the age of 12 died from the Big Death and the kids are left to fend for themselves.  The show starts 15 years after the Big Death.  Sure, there are some unbelievable events that happen but I'm not watching it for reality.


Starring Nick Stahl and Clancy Brown.  This is set during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl.  This show was out of this world and a great cast. Essentially- the theme is the battle between good and evil.  Absolutely brilliant.  This was only on air for two seasons and if you do watch it, beware- the finale leaves you hanging and you can interpret it however you want.


Absolutely brilliant show about the Roman empire.  Action packed, strong story line and the actors? Awesome.


Starring Alex O'Loughlin.  A fantastic one season show where Mick (played by O'Loughlin) is a vampire PI. Sure that's nothing new but damn, Jason Dohring and Alex O'Loughlin are super hot vampires.

Blood Ties

Starring Christina Cox and Kyle Schmid.  This show lasted two seasons.  Based on the Tanya Huff books of the same name, Christina plays as Vicki Nelson a former Toronto police officer turned Private Investigator due to losing her eye sight.  She begins investigating paranormal events and meets Henry Fitzroy.  Yes, the bastard of Henry the VIII.  He's a vampire.  I really loved this series and should have gone on for several more seasons.  The books are phenomenal, if you haven't read them.


Starring Skeet Ulrich (sorry, his name still makes me giggle).  Set in Kansas (yay! My home state) after nuclear weapons have gone off in various parts of the United States.  The people of the small town of Jericho survive this new world.

Of course, I saved the best for last...


Oh Firefly, how my heart aches for more! Captain and crew were perfect.  The Serenity, perfect.  There is nothing that can convince me that Firefly wasn't perfect.  One season? Horrible.  A show that lasted such a short time STILL has a huge following- Browncoats united.  The movie, Serenity, was phenomenal but I would love more episodes but alas, it will never happen.  Carry on, Joss Whedon.

Are there any shows that you adored that ended way too soon?

It's Monday (or not!), What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly link up hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

I am only fashionably late, right?

Ha.  I really meant to post this on Sunday evening but then I was tired.  I meant to do it after work on Monday but I was tired.  Then Tuesday came and went and now it's Wednesday and bam! Here I am!  

Last week, I posted that I was going to read The Scent of Butterflies but that didn't happen.  I started reading it.  I just couldn't get sucked into it, no matter how hard I tried.  I just wasn't into it.  It's nothing to do with the book but it really is me.  I do this often.  I am just in the mindset to read a specific genre for some reason.  I know that when I return to it, I will inhale it.  

However, apparently, I did get sucked into two mystery/thriller books.  

Here is what I read:
via Goodreads

Synopsis via Amazon: 
Detective Louis Kincaid cracks a murder case frozen in time in this new work of “crime fiction at its finest” (Lee Child) from bestselling author P. J. Parrish. 

Florida PI Louis Kincaid wants to wear a badge again. But before he can, he must return home to Michigan— and some unfinished business. He hopes to bond with ten-year-old Lily, the daughter he only recently learned existed, and reunite with girlfriend Joe Frye. But new clues to an unsolved murder put his plans on ice. A trip with Lily to enchanting Mackinac Island turns grim when the child falls on a pile of old bones; the dangerous discovery reopens the cold case of Julie Chapman, a teenager from one of the wealthy summer families, who vanished two decades ago. And when Louis is forced to cooperate with a tough state investigator who once worked with Joe, tensions skyrocket. Now, what was supposed to be a time of building lasting ties splinters into disturbing fragments, personally and professionally, as Louis pursues a mystery entangled in dark family secrets and twists even he can’t predict.
I loved this one.  I am a huge fan of the Louis Kincaid series and this one was great.  Louis is starting to soften up a bit.  No, he's not going soft but his defensive, cranky edge is going away a bit.  This was a fantastic addition to this series.  This series really gets better with each book.  There were enough twists and turns to keep me hooked.  If you haven't read any of the Kincaid books, you should.  Well, if you like a dark, thriller PI book.  

I actually also finished a second book.

via Goodreads

Synopsis via Amazon: 
Abby Cooper is a P.I., psychic intuitive. But her insight failed her when she didn't foresee the death of one of her clients-or that the lead investigator for the case is the gorgeous blind date she just met. Now, with the police suspicious of her abilities and a killer on the loose, Abby's future looks more uncertain than ever.

Ok,  I liked the story.  I liked Abby Cooper.  I liked the flowing of the story.  What I did not like? Abby's spazzing over Dutch after ONE date.  That's all I didn't like but the rest? I thoroughly enjoyed and I really will read the rest of the series.  

I did start The Outlander series this week.  I think my brain still wants more mysteries because I am not at all sucked in.  I may have to get the mysteries out of my system.  Ha ha.

What did you read? What are you reading this week?

Monday Music: Pantera

Each week, I share with you my love of music and as you are well aware, my musical tastes are across the board.  However, there is one particular band that when I play their music and think about them- my heart becomes heavy with sorrow. That band is the heavy metal powerhouse, Pantera.

Nothing, nothing gives me goosebumps like Phil Anselmo's vocals paired with the guitar genius of Dimebag.  The album, "Cowboys to Hell" catapulted this band to a status of stardom.  Groove metal was fast and furious and nobody could punish a guitar like Dime.  I hold fast to that opinion.  Unfortunately, the band broke up and the dreams us fans had of them reuniting would never happen.

On December 8, 2004 one of the worst nightmares in heavy metal happened- Darrel "Dimebag" Abbott was murdered.  He was shot in cold blood in the middle of performing for the newly found band, Damageplan, after the break up of Pantera.  This shook up the heavy metal world.  The sadness us fans feel is still as strong today as it was when the news broke.

I feel such a strong connection to the band.  I cry every single time I listen to "Cemetery Gates".

I follow Dime's life partner, Rita, on Instagram and she is a woman who loved and still loves Dime to this day.  She was with him for (I believe) 20 years.  They knew each other since grade school.  She's still by his side and not wanting to let his memory die.  He's alive forever as long as we never forget the impact he made.

His anniversary is close.  I won't lie, I am in tears right now.  I have nothing prolific to say but I'd rather my favorite Metal band's music speak for me.

Darrell Dimebag Abbott 
August 20, 1966- December 8, 2004
Picture credit: Deviant Art

Getcha' Pull, brother. 

Are there any artists who bring you to tears whether it be their music, their premature death, or what could have been?

Review: November Wantable Makeup Box

I have read and seen pictures about Wantable around the net.  I've eyeballed it but I was just biding my time.  So, when I was given a chance to review the November Wantable Makeup Box, I literally jumped for joy!

Wantable offers three boxes: makeup, intimates and accessories.  Each box is tailored to you and your responses to their quizzes.  You can subscribe for $36 per month or a single purchase of $40 without subscribing.  Each box is full of full size products from unique, specialty and premium brands.

I was notified that my box was shipped out on Thursday and I about fell over from SHOCK when it arrived on Saturday.  Yes, SATURDAY! I first thought it was shipping from California (I am in Arizona) but nope, from Wisconsin.  Awesome!

The box was small which is nice.  I love that it has on the side "A Beautiful New Thing".  Very fitting!

When I opened the box, there was a card notifying that there is a limited edition holiday box being offered (which I seriously want!), underneath the card was the invoice (how awesome is that?) and then two layers of "cushion" and then the products (which are on a special padding). I love that they pack their boxes in a way that prevents the bouncing around of the items and decreases spillage and breaking.  Very conscientious of them! The invoice was very helpful as it also gives you the items' retail value and TIPS!

Here is what I received:
Cheek Flash Loose Blush in Beachhouse by Whip Hand Cosmetics

This is such a beautiful, girly pink and has a nice shimmer to the color.  

As an extremely pale girl, I love a pretty, girly pink. 
I tried to get a nice swatch of this color but can you see what a beautiful pink this is?  I am in love!

The retail value of this is $18.00 and came in a 3g container.  I think it's a little pricey for the size but the pigmentation is great and a little does go a long ways.  Like a very little!  This one is definitely a keeper!
Next is the Simply Beautiful lip gloss pot from Three Custom Color with a retail value of $22.00
First off, I love the case.  It swings out.  Perfect! How awesome is that? The color in the top shot is much more true than the open one.  I had a very difficult time getting a good picture of the gloss.  It's such a beautiful color.  It's a blend of pink and peach with parts of silver and gold.  It's definitely a natural color but a few shades darker than my naked lip.  I didn't swatch this one because I had a hard time showing one that would give this gorgeous lip gloss justice.  (I really, really, really need to buy a light box and a speedlite). As dark as this looks in the pot, it definitely was NOT dark when I put it on.  It was very, very flattering and that's hard to do with my super paleness.

Definitely worth the price. 

Next I received the Manna Kadar lash primer.  Now this is squeeee worthy.  It's retail value is $19 (a great price in my opinion).  A lash primer is what you think it is- put it on prior to your mascara to enhance your lashes.  This primer is to add volume and I can't wait to give this one a go! I haven't tried it out yet but I will definitely update you the second I do!

This beautiful lipstick is from Michael Marcus.  The color above is called Ann and it's whoa.  It's a PERFECT natural looking nude.  
Again, hard to swatch but isn't that a beautiful color? The texture is very luxurious and the lippie is very moisturizing which is another plus for me.  I also found this to be very pigmented color.  A perfect nude.  PERFECT, I TELL YOU!!! Yes, caps lock is appropriate. Ha.  Retail value? $24.  Worth it.  WORTH IT!

Last but not least, a little bonus: 
Skiin Instant Skin Tightener and Line filler sampler.  This one should be interesting.

Overall I think Wantable NAILED my preferences.  I am very low key with my makeup, you won't see me wearing blue shadow or dark/bright lips.  I love the looks but just not on me.  I am a low key, plain jane kind of girl who envies those who rock the trends.  I am very, very, very pleased with the products.  The value is outstanding.  Well worth the subscription price! The retail value is $83 and the cost of the box is $36.  More bang for your buck.  

If you would like to subscribe, you can go to their website  and subscribe or just buy one box!

Since they offer three boxes, would you opt for the makeup, accessories or lingerie? 
I lean more towards the lingerie and the makeup!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Children's Place Gift Card Giveaway!

Yesterday was a rough day.  No.  Scratch that, this entire week has been rough.  I love having an extended weekend (I was off Saturday, Sunday, Monday and the first half of Tuesday) but it wreaks havoc in my job.  My workload grows exponentially and I am behind.  I remember when my now-boss interviewed me she did mention how people in my department don't take much in the way of vacations because of the above fact. I understand now.  So, this week I've been a bit disoriented but next week will be fine but holy crap! It's been a hard week.

On Facebook, there has been a pretty fun "game" (no other way I can think to do describe it) where you share a set # of facts about yourself.  The number is randomly given to you.  I figure I can share six :)

1.  Every morning I watch Law & Order.  I am working my way through the original series on Netflix.
2.  I am obsessed with Firefly and Star Trek.
3.  I have six tattoos with more in the work.
4.  I am the youngest of nine children.
5.  I never wanted children.  I've had three.  Emma's the only baby that survived longer than three hours.  She has defied death.
6.  I was extremely sick when my family moved from Arizona to Kansas.  The doctors thought I had cystic fibrosis.  Turned out it was a viral pneumonia that took several years to fully resolve.

With that being said, how about a giveaway?

My blog has been steadily growing and I want to thank you for being there!

I am giving away a $10 gift card to the Children's Place clothing store.  I absolutely adore the Children's Place.  They have cute clothes, great sales with great coupons.  I have walked out of there with 6 full outfits for $40 and sometimes even less.  Emma adores their t-shirts and due to her physical disabilities, I love their selection of elastic waist bottoms.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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