Whoops! I nearly forgot my Hump Day Music post!!
This week it is allll about two songs that make me smile. Like crazy smile. I don't care what I am doing these two have been perking me up this week.
I bet you aren't surprised with this first one... HAPPY! By Pharrell. The video alone makes me smile but of course, the songs is such a ray of sunshine that has been needed this week while I have been working on a child abuse post and a blogger resource post (these have been taking a lot of TIME!)
I hope so.
Song #2 was at first super obnoxious but in the end it makes me smile even when the ear worm has been planted because ... EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have any songs this week that are either embedded so deep in your brain that you can't escape from it or just makes you smile?

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