I love bedtime. No. Like, I really, really do. It's time to unwind, relax and just sleep. Do you have a routine for your bedtime? How about a lights out routine for your children?
Emma's lights out routine is very simple and we maintain it consistently! Since she only got out of pull ups last summer, she does have some occasional nocturnal enuresis so maintaining our routine is extremely important and we have incorporated GoodNites® bed mats as part of our "lights out" routine!
After dinner, it's shower time and that is when we start winding down for bed. Who doesn't feel relaxed after a nice, long and warm shower?
I allow Em to have some time to play with the iPad- she can either watch something on Netflix or play one of the apps.
Then we proceed to our favorite part- cuddling and reading. Her favorite things to have me read to her are comic books! I am not kidding! Right now, it's all about Supergirl! I am good with it. Supergirl is very empowering and I love girl power!
Due to the medication she takes, I always have to make sure she is staying well hydrated (it doesn't help matters that we live in the desert, right?) to keep her kidneys healthy! However, this creates a bit of a balance between keeping her hydrated and preventing accidents. We have to have a balance. Her kidney health is important to me. All liquids are cut off an hour before bed time (9 pm is lights out!) and we also do precautionary measures by using GoodNites® bed mats! Accidents happen and it's best to be prepared "just in case" it does happen. The best part about the GoodNites® bed mats is that they are super-absorbent and very easy to put in place. Just peel and stick them onto the top of the sheets and you are good to go because they stay in place all night! Piece of mind just in case. If she does have an accident, I can just peel off the mat and move on. I don't have to deal with a soaked mattress, sheets and blankets. Living in an apartment makes it very difficult to wash a load of sheets and blankets. I love having the extra protection in place! Emma doesn't have to worry about it either. Also, they are very discreet!
Last but not least.... it's sleepy time. It's so funny because she sleeps with a sleep mask, her doggy and music.
I would love to hear about your lights out routine! How do you prepare for bedtime with your child? Do you do the same process every night? Does your child have accidents? Let's discuss!
Don't forget about the sweepstakes from GoodNites® and the Twitter party:
GoodNites® Better Nights Sweepstakes ends on April 14, 2014.
What are the prizes, you ask? Oh let me tell YOU!
The winner will receive a three-month supply of Bed Mats and a series of gift cards totaling $5,000 to reward their child with a complete bedroom set!!!! (How awesome is that?)
- Go to the GoodNites® Facebook page at www.facebook.com/GoodNites to learn how to enter and to view the official sweepstakes rules.
- Link to enter the Sweepstakes: Enter Here.
- Official rules: available here.
But wait! There's More! (Yes, I am totally sounds just like an infomercial on purpose! You still love me, I know it!)
A TWITTER PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Follow @GoodNites® and @SITSgirls and use the #GNLightsOut and AD hashtags on Thursday April 10 2014 from 10:30-11:15 AM PST

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites®.
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