My title might be a bit misleading.
I tend to try to enjoy book adaptations as what they are- adaptations. I try not to do too much comparing and contrasting and just enjoy them. Nine times out of ten, I read the book(s) first and then watch the movie, mini series or tv series. With True Blood it was the opposite.
I watched season 1 and was hooked. I caught it right after it aired and watched every single episode in one weekend. Literally. Then the realization that I need to wait another year hit me. What did I do? I ordered the 8 book boxed set and I devoured them. The set also made its rounds around my office. All you saw in our office were Sookie Stackhouse books with somebody's nose buried into them. They came back to me with broken spines, curled pages, torn covers and food splatters (I know. Super nasty). Needless to say they were well loved and I didn't keep them (LOL. I like my books to look new!).
Unfortunately, what did happen was that I hated season 2. The Maryann Maenad business was absolutely irksome and they dragged it on way too long. WAY TOO LONG. I also found Tara quite exhausting. I love LaFayette. Hands down, the best change Alan Ball made to the series. I love Erik and Pam. Bill is annoying. And I decided I hated it. I HATED IT.
Now, almost four years later, I have returned to watching True Blood. I am watching from Season 3 forward and no more Maenad ridiculousness (that I know of..). Bring on the WOLVES!!!!
I have lots of catching up to do.
Do you watch True Blood? Did you read the series? What do you think of the direction of the show? Also, what the heck happened to the books? The first 8-9 books were fantastic but after that? Blah. I know that Charlaine is tied into her book contract and has to finish them and it seems like she is trying to appease the tv fans vs the book fans. As those who know, they have both taken two separate directions.

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