#1- I am obsessed with the Counting Crows (among a few other bands). I own every single album they have ever released and am a bit heartbroken that they are finally on tour again and they will be in Phoenix on August 7th. I don't have anybody to watch Em so I can go and I am a bit bummed about it. I have been wanting to see them live for so many years and ... well, it's all good.
#2 - I have a huge obsession with lingerie. I buy so much that I am on first name basis with the girls who work at Victoria's Secret.
#3 - I am obsessed with clothes. I have a closet full of really nice dresses, skirts, shoes, etc. and I don't wear any of them because I am self conscious about my weight.
#4 - I am also obsessed with boxes. I love a good sturdy box. What? A quality box is hard to come by and you never know when you need to move stuff.
#5 - I am obsessed with candles. I have a hall linen closet full of candles. Various kinds- Yankee (You're welcome, Ryan! LOL), Bath & Body Works, Febreze, and Glade. My coworker sells Gold Canyon. I ordered three. LOL - have to help support a small business... *whistles innocently*
#6 - I am obsessed with K-Dramas. I am out of my mind in loooove with them. Haha.
What are you obsessed with?
PS- I have comments on moderation and I will approve them as I know I can respond to them. I am still trying to balance everything out :)

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