Jaime Loves Stuff : April 2014

I Built This City on Rock N Roll

Say you don't know me or recognize my face!

Please tell me you know the song? Do ya? Huh? Huh?

Yes, ladies and gents... it's that time again...

You're a BORING BLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #BlogFail

Said the email I received.

Yes, ladies and gents, I am a boring blogger.  You know what? That is totally fine because guess what? I am a totally boring person.  My life is super boring.  I get up, get my daughter ready, get her to therapy/school/etc., go to work, come home, find something palatable to eat (if I am lazy- we are eating sandwiches), watch some TV/read a book and go to bed.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


Whoo watch out now! Here comes the crazy, wild chick.

True Blood: Show vs Books

My title might be a bit misleading.

I tend to try to enjoy book adaptations as what they are- adaptations.  I try not to do too much comparing and contrasting and just enjoy them.  Nine times out of ten, I read the book(s) first and then watch the movie, mini series or tv series.  With True Blood it was the opposite.

***CLOSED*** Oh Morning Coffee, Where Would I Be Without Thee? + GIVEAWAY!

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias, Millstone® Coffee, and Mr. Coffee®. 

Unfortunately, a blogspost comment got through and that caused all the CommentLuv comments to disappear.  I have access to all the comments via the database, so don't worry however I had to open up the comments via the Blogspot system.  

#CoffeeJourneys #Shop #Cbias #CollectiveBias

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.  Hit the snooze button.  Mumble "five more minutes" and then beep. Beep. Beep.  Fine.  Rise and shine.  Does this sound familiar? I know there is nothing like the smell of flavored coffee brewing out of an amazing drip coffee maker!   Grab a cup, sit down and let's chat about coffee and our #Coffeejourneys.  

Hump Day Music: You Know You Got The Right Stuff & #FreeJaimeFromTwitterJail

It's that time again! Yep- It's HUMP DAY! WOOT WOOT!  Of course, that means we have music.  This week's Hump Day Music post is inspired by my friend Kat.  See, Kat and I have been kinda-sorta-not-really-but-totally stalking tweeting Donnie Wahlberg from NKOTB (New Kids on the Block).  Yeah.  Don't judge.  We are block heads.  You should totally follow Kat on Twitter because she is awesome and hilarious and full of the right stuff.  You can follow her right here.

So... can you guess what I am sharing today? Yep.  You got that right! We are so hangin' tough right meow.

It's Monday! What Are you Reading?

I watched the world premiere of WGN America's new series, Salem.  I loved it.  It was definitely much more scary than American Horror Story: Coven.  WGNA's Salem is more along the lines of the paranormal and gore.  The twitter chat was awesome.  I had a lot of fun and of course, what does that do? Ignites an obsession....

My obsession for the Salem Witch Trials has been reignited.  It's a terrible but important part of our history.   I was really surprised when I looked through my shelves and found I only have one book that has anything to do with Salem and it's the Heretic's Daughter.  I have had it on my shelf for a long time so I believe I shall begin with it and look for more.

Do you have any that you recommend that are Salem related? (Fiction or non fiction).

What are you reading this week?

"It's Monday! What Are You Reading?" is a weekly link up hosted by the wonderful Sheila at Book Journey.  Each week, we share what we read and what we are reading! I totally think you should join in on the fun!

Hump Day Music: Happy Awesomeness

 Whoops! I nearly forgot my Hump Day Music post!!

This week it is allll about two songs that make me smile.  Like crazy smile.  I don't care what I am doing these two have been perking me up this week.

I bet you aren't surprised with this first one... HAPPY! By Pharrell.  The video alone makes me smile but of course, the songs is such a ray of sunshine that has been needed this week while I have been working on a child abuse post and a blogger resource post (these have been taking a lot of TIME!)

Did this make you smile?

I hope so.

Song #2 was at first super obnoxious but in the end it makes me smile even when the ear worm has been planted because ... EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have any songs this week that are either embedded so deep in your brain that you can't escape from it or just makes you smile?

Celebrity Boyfriend: Ode to Richard Armitage

Celebrity Boyfriend

From time to time- I become a bit obsessed  enamored over a super hot/sexy stud celebrity.

I have my Ode to Tom Selleck and an ode to Idris Elba.  Today, it's my dear Richard Armitage.

Richard Armitage

An Ode to Richard Armitage.

Oh dear, sweet, and hunky man.  I first experienced you as John Thornton on North and South.  Be still my beating heart.  You almost took Mr. Darcy's place.  Almost.  You still, though, are number two in my rankings of Period men.  That's very high rating.  I am just saying.

Lights Out, Phoenix!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites®.
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I love bedtime.  No.  Like, I really, really do.  It's time to unwind, relax and just sleep.  Do you have a routine for your bedtime? How about a lights out routine for your children?  

Emma's lights out routine is very simple and we maintain it consistently!  Since she only got out of pull ups last summer, she does have some occasional nocturnal enuresis so maintaining our routine is extremely important and we have incorporated GoodNites® bed mats as part of our "lights out" routine! 

After dinner, it's shower time and that is when we start winding down for bed.  Who doesn't feel relaxed after a nice, long and warm shower? 

I allow Em to have some time to play with the iPad- she can either watch something on Netflix or play one of the apps.  

#GNLightsOut #AD

Hump Day Music: Eminem

Happy Wednesday! Yup! It's the time again... Hump Day Music!

I am featuring one song this week: Headlights by Eminem.  Throughout Eminem's career, he has used his lyrics to express his feelings whether it is anger, sadness, love or humor.  His music is hit or miss for me but without a doubt, the man is a lyrical master.

"Headlights" is an emotional apology to his mother.  No doubt his childhood was terrible but his words to his mother is beautiful.  I get goosebumps and the emotion is so raw that I can't listen to it without tearing up.  The pain is palpable and there is no escaping the power behind this song.

It's Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

"It's Monday! What Are You Reading?" is a weekly link up hosted by the wonderful Sheila at Book Journey.  Each week, we share what we read and what we are reading! I totally think you should join in on the fun!

For the last two weeks, I have been INHALING Lisa Gardner books.  They are insanely awesome.  I think I have finished FIVE of them.  I read "Say Goodbye", "The Neighbor", "Touch and Go", "The Killing Hour" and "The Perfect Husband".  She is a fantastic writer and they are super dark.

GoodNites® Better Nights Sweepstakes

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GoodNites®.
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#GNLightsOut #AD.

Last August, I posted about how excited I was that Emma met one of the big goals I had for her and that is potty trained before fifth grade.  It's a HUGE deal for a few reasons.  One, she has physical and developmental disabilities and two, she was closing in on ten years old.  I have been beyond proud of her and she is super proud of herself.  However, we have been dealing with some nights of bed-wetting and this is where GoodNites® bed mats come into our lives! 

HoneyBaked Easter and Gift Card Giveaway!

disclaimer: this is a #sponsored post on behalf of Business 2 Blogger and Honey Baked Ham Co.

Spring has arrived and that means, beautiful weather, sunshine, outside time and of course, Easter! Easter is LITERALLY right around the corner (April 20!) and as a busy, working mom- I want to spend Easter enjoying the day and my daughter versus spending time in the kitchen alll day.  Don't get me wrong- I love to cook but not on holidays.  I remember eating a Honey Baked Ham for the first time a few years ago and for me, it set the standard on how a ham should taste.  This Easter? It's a HoneyBaked Ham for Emma and I!

Anger and Epilepsy

No.  I am not stating there is a correlation between anger and epilepsy.  Well, there might be a correlation between somebody's irritability that is causing anger that is caused by epilepsy but that is not the point of this post at all.

Sweet Pulled Pork Quesadilla Salad With Kraft Fresh Take!

Disclaimer: I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser, #FreshTake

#FreshTake #Shop #collectivebias

Dear Spring, I love you.  Really, I do! The weather is perfect- no need for the air conditioning and no need to for the heater.   The breeze is blowing and I don't know about you, but I want to be outside all day! Springs has sprung!  It's also perfect weather for this Sweet Pulled Pork Quesadilla Salad with Kraft Fresh Take
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