Okay, not the catchiest of titles but hey, made ya look right?
As I said in my intro, I am not a genre snob. I like all kinds. I go through phases of fascination of one subject to another. The latest? Fantasy! It all began one night in a state of insomnia and I was flipping through channels. I found a show that piqued my interest. "Legend of the Seeker".
The main characters are Richard Cypher (The Seeker), Kahlan Amnell (Mother Confessor) and Zeddicus Zu'l Zarrander (the last Wizard of the First Order). I said, hmmmmm I know these characters but from where? Of course, thanks to the handy dandy google I found my answer.
"The Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind. I vaguely remember "The Wizard's First Rule" from when I was in high school but not enough to do the comparison/contrast of book vs TV.
I went to my favorite used bookstore here in Phoenix, Arizona, Bookmans, and purchased nearly the entire series. I was missing a few books and I have been on the hunt since then at thrift stores, yard sales, and of course, Abebooks.com, amazon.com and ebay. Needless to say, during this adventure I discovered a second fantasy series. It's called the "Saga of Recluce" by L.E. Modesitt JR. I bought them all. Hey! At .33 each, who am I to say NO?
My to-be-read pile is full of fantasy fiction. Entire series! This is after just coming out of a historical fiction phase. Now, let me tell you! THAT was a fun search!
Well, I am off to watch the entire first season of "Legend of the Seeker" on hulu!
However, I want to know about you! What draws you in? Is it a specific genre, an author, a series, a book cover?
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