I have to admit, I'm spoiled.
I only work 4 days a week at my day job.
I live in Phoenix where the late fall-winter-early spring is perfect.
Here are 4 ways that I enjoy my day off (ha. 3 day weekend, baby) in the "winter".
1. Eating breakfast. Outdoors at a local coffee shop.
There's nothing better than getting to sit outside, enjoy the peaceful morning and eat a breakfast at a local business that uses locally grown vegetables, locally baked goods, and locally raised animals.
2. Sitting outside and reading.
There's nothing better than being able to sit and read a good book. Well, sitting OUTSIDE to read said good book is so much better.
3. Patio Gardening.
In February. Now... it's been 80 (unseasonably warm) and will drop to the 70s this weekend and there is no better time than now to get a little garden started. Or, if you're like me and live in an apartment- get the patio/container garden started.
Wish me luck. I hope my brown thumb is turning green and NOT going to be a serial killer of plants again. I really, really, really want fresh basil, cilantro, jalapenos and tomatoes from my pots.
4. Preparing for the produce co-op.
I contribute to a local co-op and this week we are getting Vietnamese sub rolls. I am sooooo excited . I love banh mi and I scoured pinterest and curated a board on Vietnamese sandwiches. Hello delicious.
Okay. That's not REALLY winter related but it's pinterest. and produce. and banh mi. They should all be embraced year-round. Amiright?
Of course, it's all even better with the HP Pavilion X360. This 4 way piece of genius is absolutely amazing. AH-MAZING! It is a laptop, a tablet, can be folded into a tent or stand it up. It's the bee's knees. It's the perfect size to carry around so I can blog, keep up with my social media accounts and be all about that bass (streaming, for the win!). HP is partnering with Meghan Trainor to #BendTheRules for her All About That Bass Tour (no treble!). Be sure to keep up with HP and Meghan Trainor here!
How are you embracing winter? Are you curled up inside staying warm, Netflixing, playing games, reading, etc? Or are you in the sunshine states and enjoying the warmth?
This post was sponsored by HP.

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