Happiness is in SeptemBEAR

Did you know that today (September 9th) is National Teddy Bear Day?  That makes today... SeptemBEAR 9th! #ShareABear
***Thank you to Snuggle for sponsoring SeptemBEAR***

Did you know that today (September 9th) is National Teddy Bear Day?  That makes today... SeptemBEAR 9th!

There is absolutely nothing better in this world than a cuddly, snuggly teddy bear, right?

When Em was in the hospital following her traumatic brain injury, I was encouraged to bring in a stuffed animal and a blanket from home.  The nurses in the neuro-PICU stated that having familiar scents surrounding her while in a coma would help keep her comfortable and peaceful.  Anything can help, right?

Did you know that today (September 9th) is National Teddy Bear Day?  That makes today... SeptemBEAR 9th! #ShareABear

Now, 11 years after suffering a serious head injury- she still loves cuddling with teddy bears.

When I gave her the Snuggle Bear, she was overjoyed and hasn't let it out of her sight.

If anybody deserves a Snuggle Bear,it's Em. 

Every single night since getting her teddy bear, she has cuddle with it and loved on it.

Did you know that today (September 9th) is National Teddy Bear Day?  That makes today... SeptemBEAR 9th! #ShareABear

The bear brings her comfort and security. 

As all children should feel.  

We gave away two out of the three Snuggle Bears that Snuggle sent us to random strangers.  One was a waitress at a restaurant where we ate breakfast on Labor Day.  She complimented Em's bear and told me her son loves bears.  I asked her if she would be there the following day, she said yep... well, her son is now a proud owner of a Snuggle Bear.  The other recipient was a homeless woman standing on the corner with a sign and her child in a stroller sitting under a tree in the shade.  Her baby deserved a Snuggle Bear and also deserves to know the safety and security love and home.  

It's those little things in life that make such a big moment in another's life.  Random acts of kindness are what helps humanity heal and move forward.  Bring a smile to another's face.  

#ShareABear is a movement to show the world that something as small as gifting a teddy bear can brighten one’s day! Snuggle Bear will be making the world a softer place by personally donating teddy bears to people who need them most. 

HOWEVER, Since Snuggle Bear can only spread the teddy bear magic so far, everyone's help is needed! Snuggle is asking fans to share their favorite teddy bear memories through photos, stories, and videos the entire month of SeptemBEAR. 

Remember, for every photo, story, or video posted on social media with the hashtag #ShareABear, Snuggle will donate a teddy bear to a child in need!

Share your stories!!!

Don't forget to visit Snuggle and tell your story!!!

What is your favorite Teddy Bear Memory?

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